America the Egregore

After the coup attempt, what conclusions do we draw?

Daniel Pinchbeck
8 min readJan 8, 2021

RIGHT: The MAGA horde encountered little resistance as they entered the Capital and terrorized Congress. LEFT: The #blacklivesmatter protests in Washington DC, on the other hand, were met by excessive police and military force.

Perhaps it is not new information to realize that the rank-and-file police and military are solidly on the side of Trumpism — White Supremacism, neo-Fascism; this crude, chaotic jumble of horrible ideas. But it was never revealed so blatantly before. The contrast between the overwhelming force used against #blacklivesmatter protestors in Washington — or against disabled people begging to be allowed to keep their health insurance benefits — and the police opening the barricades and taking Selfies with the MAGA protestors in the Capital was quite stark.

At this point, America — as an idea, a system of government, an enterprise — seems to have sunk into a terminal phase of entropic decline. I don’t know how the nation comes back from this level of idiocy. While this is terrifying, I also think it is potentially good — and certainly necessary. It begs the question: What do we do now? How do we act…



Daniel Pinchbeck

Author of Breaking Open the Head, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and When Plants Dream. I teach online seminars at